- outubro 31, 2022
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发布时间: 2022-10-10 06:41:46
【南美侨报网编译张裕10月10日报道】巴西大选进入第二轮,前总统卢拉(Lula da Silva)和现总统博索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的支持者近日通过社交媒体传播大量假消息,互相打击对方声誉。流言包括博索纳罗将在2023年取消“圣母日”(Nossa Senhora de Aparecida,10月12日)假期,以及卢拉将推进所有毒品合法化。
TSE还命令Twitter和Facebook删除31篇将卢拉与尼加拉瓜总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加(Daniel Ortega,自2007年以来一直担任总统职位)相关联的文章
卢拉的支持者之一、联邦众议员安德烈·亚诺内斯(André Janones)日前在Twitter上发布一张图片,称如果博索纳罗赢得选举,将任命前总统费尔南多·科洛尔(Fernando Collor)为社会保障部长。这位前总统于1992年因涉嫌腐败案遭到弹劾,提前下台。众议员称,这件事令他“十分恐惧”,害怕“他上任后吞没所有援助金”。
此前,TSE院长亚历山大·德·莫拉埃斯(Alexandre de Moraes)已于2日下令清除所有关于“马科拉宣布支持卢拉”的信息,因为这些信息“不真实或断章取义”,TSE不会允许在大选前夕传播假新闻。
卢拉则表示,博索纳罗向来是谎言的拥护者,所以当然不在意拥护“假新闻”。这些言论是他在贝洛奥里藏特市(Belo Horizonte)举行的新闻发布会上发表的。这位前总统近期与多位州长和市长会面,希望与他们保持友好关系,并争取在第二轮投票中获得更多支持。
I must explain to you how all this mistake idea denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings I will give you a complete accountof the great explorer of the truth.
Mr. Hogan has also leaned on his wife, Yumi Hogan, a Korean immigrant, who was also at the governor’s convention, which included a dinner at the Korean ambassador’s home. As the first Korean first lady in American history, Ms. Hogan has become something of an icon in South Korea.
I just grabbed my wife and said, Look, you speak Korean. You know the president. You know the first lady. You know the ambassador. Let’s talk to them in Korean, and tell them we need their help. Companies in South Korea said would tests.
In global terms the US has the most Covid-19 cases – more than 245,000. And on Thursday the US authorities said more than 1,000 had died in the past 24 hours – the highest daily toll so far in the world. And on Thursday the US authorities said more than 1,000 had died in the past 24 hours – the highest daily toll so far in the world.
Hospitals and morgues in New York are struggling to cope with the pandemic, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has warned that New York risks running out of ventilators for patients in six days.
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