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来智利阿塔卡马 开启一次难忘的沙漠之旅
![来智利阿塔卡马 开启一次难忘的沙漠之旅](https://newsclass.demo.gurussd.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/capaal.jpg)
发布时间: 2022-10-11 03:01:25
【南美侨报网编译李糖糖报道】如果你想逃离常规生活,那么前往智利阿塔卡马大区(R. de Atacama)旅行是一个很好的选择,因为在这里,你会被它美丽的海滩、沙丘和历史遗迹所惊艳。近日,智利“Chileestuyo”网站为读者献上了一份阿塔卡马旅行指南。
第一天:拉维根海滩(Playa la Virgen)和沙丘之海(Mar de Dunas)
在阿塔卡马的第一天,从大区首府科皮亚波市(Copiapó)出发,建议游客先前往以白沙和绿松石水面著称的拉维根海滩。从科皮亚波,通过Panamericana Norte公路和5号公路(Ruta5)到达拉维根海滩,大约需要1个小时。
第二天:潘德阿苏卡尔国家公园(Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar)
第二天,前往位于沙漠之中的潘德阿苏卡国家公园,这里是观赏“沙漠花海”(Desierto Florido)景观的理想之地。
进入阿苏卡国家公园后,先前往环境解读中心(Centro de Interpretación Ambiental),在这里可以详细了解有关这个地方的信息。
午餐时间,游客可前往位于国家公园附近的潘德阿苏卡尔小海湾(Caleta Pan de Azúcar)享受各种美味,下午还可徒步前往潘德阿苏卡国家公园观景点。
第三天:利亚诺斯德查列国家公园(Parque Llanos de Challe)
在抵达之前,建议游客在下卡里萨尔湿地(Humedal Carrizal Bajo)做短暂停留,在这里,游客可近距离接触当地的特有植被和野生动物。
在惊叹完“沙漠花海”的独特景观后,游客可前往下瓦斯科(Huasco Bajo),体验当地古老橄榄树带来的独特感受。
第四天:古生物公园(Parque Paleontológico Sitio Los Dedos)
第四天可前往参观位于卡尔德拉(Caldera)以南12公里处的Sitio Los Dedos古生物公园。
I must explain to you how all this mistake idea denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings I will give you a complete accountof the great explorer of the truth.
Mr. Hogan has also leaned on his wife, Yumi Hogan, a Korean immigrant, who was also at the governor’s convention, which included a dinner at the Korean ambassador’s home. As the first Korean first lady in American history, Ms. Hogan has become something of an icon in South Korea.
I just grabbed my wife and said, Look, you speak Korean. You know the president. You know the first lady. You know the ambassador. Let’s talk to them in Korean, and tell them we need their help. Companies in South Korea said would tests.
In global terms the US has the most Covid-19 cases – more than 245,000. And on Thursday the US authorities said more than 1,000 had died in the past 24 hours – the highest daily toll so far in the world. And on Thursday the US authorities said more than 1,000 had died in the past 24 hours – the highest daily toll so far in the world.
Hospitals and morgues in New York are struggling to cope with the pandemic, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has warned that New York risks running out of ventilators for patients in six days.
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